Everything DiSC®

Unlock engagement, inspire collaboration, and ignite cultural transformation with Everything DiSC®


What is Everything DiSC®?

Our purpose is to ignite cultural transformation by empowering all people to engage, connect, and thrive in the workplace.
Everything DiSC® is an assessment-based learning experience that deepens self-awareness, inspires appreciation of others, and fosters effective collaboration in the workplace. Backed by over 40 years of research and Ready Aim Teach, you can expect customizable solutions that meet your organization’s unique training needs. Start your organization on the path from personalized insight to cultural change today.



The Everything DiSC® Difference

Everything DiSC® connects people on a human level to deliver “A-ha!” moments that transform workplaces from talented individuals into collaborative, thriving cultures.

  1. Simple but not Simplistic: Everything DiSC® translates assessment results into a personalized, actionable narrative that makes behavior change tangible for the participant.
  2. Customizable and Flexible: Each organization has unique needs. Everything DiSC® provides versatile tailoring features that allow you to easily design a customized program that’s right for your organization and time constraints.
  3. Expertise of a Trusted Advisor: With deep product expertise, Ready Aim Teach transforms DiSC into impactful and customized solutions that work.
  4. Transformational Learning Experiences: Only Everything DiSC® goes beyond the classroom with personalized tools that help participants use DiSC every day to connect better with their colleagues in real-time.
  5. Built on a Foundation of Research and Rigor: Everything DiSC® provides a trustworthy assessment with strong psychometric properties, and prioritizes quality by using computer adaptive testing, global norming, and real-world testing.


What makes Everything DiSC® unique among competitors?

  • Developing Human Skills in an Ever-Changing World
    Everything DiSC helps organizations ignite culture transformation. By combining self-assessments with flexible facilitation and the Catalyst platform, learners develop the social and emotional know-how for more effective (and enjoyable!) interactions from anywhere.
  • Deep Understanding of Today’s Workplace
    With continuous investment in market research and the Everything DiSC learning experiences, Everything DiSC ensures innovative solutions that address the ever-changing demands of today’s modern organizations.
  • Proven Excellence. Powered by People.
    With a 97% global satisfaction rating among organizations and learners worldwide, you can feel confident that Everything DiSC—together with Ready Aim Teach – will not only satisfy but also delight your workforce.



The Everything DiSC® Transformational Learning Model

Everything DiSC® offers end-to-end learning experiences that have immediate and lasting impact on the performance of people and the cultures of organizations.

  • The Assessment: Each Everything DiSC® personality assessment combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant. These insights lay the groundwork for a personalized experience rich with “A-ha!” moments that inspire behavior change.
  • The Profile: The personalized content in the profile deepens self-understanding through the DiSC® model. People gain insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.
  • The Professional Development: The profile comes to life in a classroom experience that engages and educates. Along with contemporary video, meaningful discussions, and impactful activities, this professional development can be customized to meet the specific needs of your people and your organization.
  • The Follow-Up Tools: A suite of follow-up resources makes lasting behavior change possible by keeping Everything DiSC alive in the workplace. Participants can go deeper into their DiSC style, get real-world tips for connecting with colleagues, and gain insight into their team’s or department’s DiSC culture.
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and/or The Five Behaviors. You can also call (301) 648-7475


The Five Behaviors®


Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

Bring to life the true power of teamwork through proven, transformational learning experiences!

Empower team members to turn insights into action and ensure tangible, lasting change.

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

What is The Five Behaviors® Training?

  • The Five Behaviors® combines the framework of Patrick Lencioni’s robust model for teamwork revealing personality insights to help individuals and teams understand themselves and others.
  • The Five Behaviors® model explores the interdependence of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results to drive team effectiveness and productivity. Working with Ready Aim Teach, individuals and teams explore their approach to teamwork, identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth, and chart a course for action.
  • Gain deep understanding of team dynamics and evolving workplaces.
  • With continuous investment in our learning experiences, we ensure high-quality solutions that address the dynamic nature of teams in today’s modern workplaces.

Ready Aim Teach offers two options:
The Five Behaviors® Team Development and
The Five Behaviors® Personal Development

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

What Is The Five Behaviors® Team Development?

Based on the work of Patrick Lencioni’s international best-seller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors® Team Development transforms intact teams through The Five Behaviors model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results to drive team effectiveness and productivity.
This powerful virtual or in-person experience assesses an intact team’s approach to teamwork and helps team members better understand themselves and the personalities on their team so they can effectively achieve their goals.
The result is a unique and impactful team development solution that empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork, shape new, more productive behaviors to increase productivity, and create a common language that completely redefines what it means to work together. When team members gain the interpersonal skills needed to understand how they and others contribute to their team’s development and how their part can make or break the team and its dynamic, they work more productively together.

The program includes:

  • Individual assessments and customized reports
  • Flexible facilitation by Ready Aim Teach. Modules include personalized reports, presentation, small and large
    group problem solving, video analysis, practice opportunities, and in-depth discussions
  • Individual profiles, participant handouts, and activities
  • Follow up tools and training including Progress Reports and Comparison Reports

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

What is The Five Behaviors® Personal Development?

Build and Fortify Skills that Transcend Teams
This new product was created to harness the power of The Five Behaviors® across the entire organization. The Five Behaviors® Personal Development solution teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni’s model at the organizational level. The goal is to completely redefine teamwork and collaboration. Personal Development was designed specifically to work for individuals; participants do not all need to be part of the same team. Rather, participants can carry the takeaways of this program from one team to the next, enabling a culture of teamwork. Learners at all levels of an organization can benefit from this program and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together.

The program includes:

  • Individual computer-adaptive assessment
  • Personalized Development, Customized Profile and one-on-one Comparison Reports
  • Flexible facilitation by Ready Aim Teach that includes personalized reports, presentation, small and large group problem solving, video analysis, practice opportunities, and in-depth discussion. Ready Aim Teach also offers the option for individualized coaching in lieu of a group training environment.

Ready Aim Teach The Five Behaviors

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Fill out the form below to find out more about our DiSC Assessments and Training
and/or The Five Behaviors. You can also call (301) 648-7475


The decision to hire a business consultant is important. If you’d like to discuss your particular situation, please contact us to set up an appointment. We’re happy to take a few minutes to find out what’s going on in your business, and you can see whether we might be a good fit for you!